Exploring our Mystical Mythological Nature
The Cosmology courses rotate throughout the year, a new one starting each semester at the International Human Design School.

The Mystical Way is a journey into the framework of Human spirituality, offering deep insights into humanity’s relationship to god, and the genetic imperative that drives all towards awakening.

“There is, in a sense, a deep creative process in humanity that is coming to an end. And it is a creative process that has been rooted in humanity’s fertility. …That creative fertility is dying because the strain of our species in this evolutionary progression is coming to an end. This is what 2027 is all about. It’s what the Rave is all about: The emergence of a new variation of the species.”
Ra Uru Hu

This course offers a spectacular insight into the workings of the Neutrino Ocean through an in depth look at specific stars. Every single object in the sky is pulsing out data, and there are 66 key stars closest to the start of everything. In this course we will discover their significance and which of these stars govern your design.

“We live in an illusion, whether that is graspable or not… We live in this illusion and the thing that makes this illusion work is stars. This is the great wonder of the revelation of Human Design; that is, the revelation that what we are really doing is filtering a consciousness ocean, a consciousness ocean that’s made up of what we call subatomic particles and specifically, neutrinos.”
Ra Uru Hu

Profile, Purpose & Function
Your true profile – a key to your purpose… Is this life meant to unfold as an Investigator Guru? Or Hermit Teacher? Perhaps a Heretic Buddha?

“It’s about understanding the drama of a life, the drama of a mind that makes up the story of our purpose, and the story of our purpose that is found within the profile.” Ra Uru Hu
The profile is a key; as it is here we begin to see the costume; the way people are ‘dressed’. When we start the process of deconditioning – of realigning to our true self, we will often experience that our costume doesn’t fit properly. Living life from flow and ease within our unique true self is a process that takes time… and grace… and seeing that we’re something very, very specific.
In Ra Uru Hu’s mystical courses, his intent was for us to:
- understand that we are mythology,
- to grasp the uniqueness that we are,
- to see there’s nothing like us &
- to see that we’re an essential ingredient to the whole.
There’s a profound magic, to live out what that is; to not live out a life as a homogenized ‘everybody’ in the ‘everybody’ life.
We each have wonderful possibilities. We can see this in the mapping of our design. This then gives us impetus and courage to stay with our process; to watch as the costume fits better and better. “Understand your cross, your purpose; you do not find it, it takes you.” Ra Uru Hu

The Bhan Tugh is the heart of Rave Cosmology. This is a journey exploring the fascinating mythology and mechanics of the Biverse and our place in it, as transmitted by the ‘Voice’ in 1987, and recorded by Ra Uru Hu using a sequence of 27 ‘Bhan Tugh Plates’ representing the imagery and information from the 8-day experience with the Voice.

We will cover a vast territory, including the mechanics of our existence from the moment of conception (The Big Bang) through the evolution of our species; who we are now, why we are here, how we are connected to the original start and source of it all – and where we are heading into the future.